Friday, August 5, 2011

Third Party Sales Process

A third-party sales process generally happens when you  can't make delivery to the customer due to insufficient stock or some other reasons. In that situation normally you will go for third party sales process.It occurs like:-
Ø     The customer sends the sales order to you.
Ø     You will send a Purchase order of the same material to  a vendor known as third party here.
Ø     The vendor will send you the invoice for the order. 
Ø     The vendor will ship the products to the customer. 
Ø     You will bill the customer.


1. Create Vendor XK01
2. Create Material – Material Type as "Trading Goods". Item category group as "BANS".
3. Assign Item Category TAS to Order type that you are going to use.
4. A sale order is created and when saved a Purchase Requisition Number is generated at the background.
5. With reference to SO a PO is created (T.code: ME21N). The company raises PO to the vendor.
6. Vendor delivers the goods and raises bill to company. MM receives the invoice (T.code: MIRO) 
7.  Goods receipt (T.code: MIGO) 
8.  Invoice Release (T.code: MRBR)
9.  Goods issue
10. Billing (T.code: VF01)

[Note: The item cat TAS or Schedule line cat CS is not relevant for delivery which is evident from the config and, therefore, there is no delivery process attached in the whole process of Third party sales. And the Procurement Type should be marked as "F" (External Procurement) in MRP 2 view of Material Master. ]

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